
Friends of Europe

Friends of Europe define themselves as a think tank for a more forward-thinking, sustainable, inclusive Europe.

Digital content hub

Europe policy makers inner circle is not just full off careless greedy lobbyists, it’s thousand of good people trying to raise awareness around all kinds of sensitive topics, engage discussions, challenge the status quo and lift up the public debate.

Friends of Europe is among the second ones. To support their work, they needed a modern, super flexible and intuitive digital content hub to act as the gravity center of their communication strategy.

Filters & colors

Friends of Europe produces a lot (really a lot!) of content and organise dozens of dozens events every year. To make sure, their audience can easily find content about a specific topic, we built the platform around an intuitive filter system and memorable color system.

Not just another 404

If we did our job well, you should not see it very often… still, 404 is a page close to our heart as it’s the best place to some nice easter eggs that would (hopefully!) transform frustration into a little moment of happiness. This one was both Friends of Europe and EPIC’s idea and we’re quite proud of it.

  • # Users after release
    + 30%
    + 30%
  • # Sessions after release
    + 30%
    + 30%
  • # Pageviews after release
    + 15%
    + 15%
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