
Digital Wallonia Landing Pages

Digital Wallonia embodies the digital strategy of Wallonia. This strategy unfolds into various ambitions, programs, and actions. In order to effectively guide the public, Digital Wallonia tasked EPIC and Hungry Minds to imagine, build end deploy campaigns dedicated to each of these programs.

Modular design

Those campaigns are organised around dedicated EPIC landing pages for each program. Each of Digital Wallonia’s “ambitions” (Digital Uses, Smart Territory, Digital Economy, Digital Innovation, Digital Administration) is represented by a distinct color. These colors are transmitted to the associated programs, allowing their framework and scope of action to be identified.

To ensure consistency across the landing pages of these programs, EPIC created a design system whose components are available in several colors but maintain consistent and identical functionality regardless of the program.

3D Illustrations

For each program, we created an animated loop that provides a quick overview of the frameworks and areas of action of these programs.

These illustrations, sometimes symbolic or poetic, other times more concrete and comprehensive, share a stylized and simple artistic direction in a light and optimistic atmosphere.

Creation process

The creation of these illustrations always begins with a discussion with the program manager, during which we aim to extract the most relevant symbols, stories, or messages to address.

This is followed by an iterative phase of research based on sketches. We compose the illustration as a cohesive scene, imagining the interactions that could occur between the different actors and adjusting the importance of elements with the program manager.

Final rendering

Once the sketches are approved, the elements are build in 3D, first as static objects before evolving into short animated loops. The characters are simple yet expressive and humorous. The message is optimistic and aims to showcase the goals of the programs rather than denounce the flaws of the current system.


Here are some of the landing pages created for each of the different programs, discover them now:

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