
Crop Trust - Motion

Did you know that since 1900, we’ve lost more than 70% of the crop varieties that were available on earth? Did you also know that preserving this biodiversity is absolutely imperative if we are to survive climate change? We did not. At least until the Crop Trust contacted us.

Bringing emotion to motion.

If you did not see the main case study (link), the Crop Trust is a non-profit international organization dedicated to conserving crop diversity and making it available for use globally, forever, for the benefit of everyone.

From 2014 to 2021, we helped them to transform the brand identity of what was a confidential initiative to become a world renowned organisation with a strong impact. Our mission went from brand identity to digital platform, interactive experiences, print materials … and motion designs.

In 7 years, we produced a dozen of 2-minutes motion design videos with always the same goal: Find a way to explain a complex project to a wide range of audience, from students to politicians and scientists.

Our way to take up the challenge was to create a memorable cartoon-like universe, close to the Crop Trust identity, with the right balance of details so it does not feel too childish nor too boring.

You’ll see a selection of those videos below, starting with the most critical one: the Crop Trust mission.

Crop Trust - Motion - Our Mission Main Illu
Crop Trust - Motion - Our Mission Stills


Most of the videos we produced were supporting crops-specific initiatives. Such initiative is a way for the Crop Trust to raise awareness around one highly cultivated and consumed crops around the world and make sure intensive agriculture does not destroy the bioversity we need to face upcoming climate change.

Crop Trust - Motion - Potatoes Main Illu
Crop Trust - Motion - Potatoes Stills

Saving coffee

So many people drink coffee everyday that we tend to forget that, just as any other crops, coffee is very sensitive to climate change. The purpose of the video was to raise awareness and build an initiative to help local producers to breed more resilient coffee trees.

Crop Trust - Motion - Coffee Main Illu
Crop Trust - Motion - Coffee Stills

Tea initiative

Just like coffee, tea initiative aims to make sure that tea diversity is preserved around the world and small producers can have access to knowledge and resources that’ll help their agriculture to be more resilient.

Crop Trust - Motion - Tea Video Thumbnail
Crop Trust - Motion - Tea Still
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