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    Long Cao
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Branding & Photography

The power of custom photography

We know how crucial photography is for boosting your brand image. That’s why we asked our designer and photographer, Long Cao, to jot down some insights for you. Don’t wait—dive in!

Oh, you never had the chance to meet Long? He's not just a brilliant photographer, but he's also mastered the art of the selfie.

Branding for your business

In today’s lightning-fast world, your brand image is more important than ever. With fierce competition and the skyrocketing significance of online presence, a custom photo shoot can be your game-changer. Here’s why:

Conveying your company’s values at a glance

Custom photos allow you to instantly convey your company’s values and identity. Whether you aim to project an image of seriousness, dynamism, heritage, or closeness to your clients, well-crafted photos can speak louder than a thousand words.

Creating a strong and memorable image

Professional photos tailored to your brand help you create an unforgettable image. In a world flooded with images and information, standing out with powerful visuals is key to capturing and keeping your audience’s attention.

Strengthening your brand image

Branding goes beyond a logo or a slogan; it’s the very essence of your business. Custom photos that align with your brand integrate your colors, tone of voice, and the values you want to convey, reinforcing the consistency and strength of your brand image.

Illustrating products or services in context

Showing your products or services in action helps potential customers envision and understand what you offer. Contextual photos featuring your offerings can significantly enhance their perception and draw interest.

An essential communication tool

Custom photos are invaluable for all your communication materials:

  • Website: Visuals adapted to your web design, whether horizontal or vertical, perfectly illustrate your website and enhance the user experience.
  • Social Media: Authentic, high-quality photos increase engagement and the reach of your posts.
  • Printed Materials: Whether for brochures, flyers, or posters, professional images enhance the credibility and attractiveness of your marketing materials.

Adapting to your business reality

Every business is unique, with its own realities and challenges. Whether you have modern offices or need to protect trade secrets, a custom photo shoot can be tailored to your specific needs to effectively convey your messages.

Latest shootings

Editor’s Note: Still not convinced by Long’s words? We asked him to put together a few photos from recent projects for our clients. Check it out!

Chateau La Louveterie - EPIC Agency
Agence du numérique - EPIC Agency

The EPIC workshop process

At EPIC, we conduct a series of workshops with our clients to pinpoint key elements for building their image. Here’s a glimpse of our process:

  • Brand Values: Understanding what the brand stands for and its core values.
  • Tone and Style: Determining the tone of communication (formal, friendly,
    serious, etc.).
  • Color Palette: Identifying the brand colors to be incorporated into the photos.
  • Persona: Defining different user types and their visual preferences.
  • User Journey: Analyzing how users interact with the website and determining where photos should be placed for maximum impact.

We then create a mood board with selected inspiration images that represent the desired aesthetic and align with the brand vision. We develop a detailed list of the types of photos needed (portraits, products, ambiance shots, etc.), scenarios or storyboards for each series of shots, considering user journeys and personas.

Finally, we plan the logistics of the shoot, including locations, models (if necessary), timing, and equipment.


Think a custom photo shoot is a luxury? Think again! It’s essential for any business that wants to stand out and enhance its brand image. Our talented photographer, Long, understands your needs and values, creating impactful and memorable visuals that will make a lasting impression on your audience. Why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary?